Becky! Internet Mail Help File

help menuThis is a joint effort between Tomohiro Norimatsu (Becky!'s author) and me for the popular Becky! Internet Mail client. I revised, restructured and updated the help file documentation, including addition of many new links, index entries and a new structure. This effort began in summer, 2010. This help file is much bigger than the distributed help file, with over 39,800 words in current release. The focus of this help file is to provide expanded information for new and casual users so they can learn the many features of Becky!. With the included plugin, the help file works directly from within Becky!.

The examples on the right demonstrate the basic look of the distributed help file and david's Becky! Help. The search example demonstrates that there are generally more topics for a search word with the new version and also that the results are easier to read. The index is also extensively expanded, as is the content. Using the included plugin, both helpfiles are immediately accessible.

There are two formats: the help file (CHM) and a report file (PDF). The CHM file is superior and preferred, as it includes an extensive index, a fast search facility, is always available from within Becky! and can coexist with the distributed help file. The PDF format is provided primarily as a supplement, intended for those who prefer a separate reference document.

Becky! is an international product and supported by many volunteers around the world, whether in development of plug-ins, translating to other languages or administering forums. Some key links are here and they lead to others.

There are two formats. Current versions are for Becky! 2.8, version 2, August 14, 2022. Installation instructions and new features are included in the zipped file.
  • Traditional Help File. This version has the traditional look and feel: contents, index, search. Here is a view. The zip file's password is "beckyhelp" and you may need a zip utility, such as 7-Zip, to unzip the file, as the Windows unzip facility may not work with encrypted zip files.
  • PDF File The PDF is intended as a supplement only.

Registry Export Utility:
The help file includes a plugin for registry backup, plus instructions on setup. If you encounter difficulty with the plugin, an alternate tool is my registry export utility, available at

david's Becky! Help Becky! Default
david's Search Example
david's Becky! Help Search Window
Default Search Example
Becky! Default Search Window
Total words: 39,832
Total topics: 104
Index entries: 163
Total words: 22,714
Total topics: 91
Index entries: 66

Copyright © david kirk, 2023